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1. What is a psychopath? 2. Top-10 self-help books 3. The worst self-help book ever 4. The 6 relationship types: What colour is yours? 5. In praise of uncertainty 6. On loneliness 7. Perfect love 8. What can we learn from Donald Trump? 9. On sex and sexuality 10. The great CBT debate Topics All Animals Anxiety Art Bipolar Case Studies CBT Children Death Depression Gender Happiness Loneliness Love Mental Health Motivation News People Places Politics Psychograms Self Help Sex Suicide Therapy Trauma Author John Barton is a counsellor, psychotherapist, blogger and writer with a private practice in Marylebone, Central London. To contact, click here. |

What is a psychopath?
There has been a lot of talk lately about them. Society applauds the non-axe-wielding kind. They are celebrated. They are idolized. They stalk the corridors of power, finance, culture. They are our sporting heroes. The higher you climb in any field, the more of them you will encounter. Poor ones go to jail, as they say, while rich ones go to business school. But on balance, does the word “psychopath” really mean anything? Are any labels useful? Read more
There has been a lot of talk lately about them. Society applauds the non-axe-wielding kind. They are celebrated. They are idolized. They stalk the corridors of power, finance, culture. They are our sporting heroes. The higher you climb in any field, the more of them you will encounter. Poor ones go to jail, as they say, while rich ones go to business school. But on balance, does the word “psychopath” really mean anything? Are any labels useful? Read more

Seeking refuge from Bhutan's “happiness"
Bhutan, the tiny Himalayan kingdom sandwiched between India and China, is often imagined to be some kind of Shangri-La, an idyllic retreat, an ancient land of lost horizons. “The Land of the Thunder Dragon,” is also a deeply superstitious place, the last redoubt of Tantric Buddhism, home of the yeti. Read more
Bhutan, the tiny Himalayan kingdom sandwiched between India and China, is often imagined to be some kind of Shangri-La, an idyllic retreat, an ancient land of lost horizons. “The Land of the Thunder Dragon,” is also a deeply superstitious place, the last redoubt of Tantric Buddhism, home of the yeti. Read more

The therapeutic space
You go to see a therapist. What kind of environment are you hoping for? A formal office space? A doctor’s consulting room? Or perhaps a comfy, slightly messy lounge? The therapeutic environment has been subject to some research and attention, summarised in this report from Co. Design. For counseling settings, research suggests that softness, personalization, and order might affect the experience of therapy and the therapist. Read more
You go to see a therapist. What kind of environment are you hoping for? A formal office space? A doctor’s consulting room? Or perhaps a comfy, slightly messy lounge? The therapeutic environment has been subject to some research and attention, summarised in this report from Co. Design. For counseling settings, research suggests that softness, personalization, and order might affect the experience of therapy and the therapist. Read more

Love After Love
The time will come/ when, with elation/ you will greet yourself arriving/
at your own door, in your own mirror/ and each will smile at the other's welcome
This is the first verse of the poem "Love After Love" by Derek Walcott, the Nobel Prize-winning poet from St. Lucia. The poem could be taken literally: it’s about love after love. Perhaps an all-consuming relationship has come to an end. The adventure is over. The pain is unbearable. Read more
The time will come/ when, with elation/ you will greet yourself arriving/
at your own door, in your own mirror/ and each will smile at the other's welcome
This is the first verse of the poem "Love After Love" by Derek Walcott, the Nobel Prize-winning poet from St. Lucia. The poem could be taken literally: it’s about love after love. Perhaps an all-consuming relationship has come to an end. The adventure is over. The pain is unbearable. Read more

Denmark: counselling for jihadists
A novel approach is being taken by Denmark towards young jihadists returning home after a stint spent fighting for ISIS and other rebel groups in Syria and Iraq. Are they stopped at the airport and refused entry? Are they thrown in jail? Passports confiscated? Are they forced to undergo some sort of deradicalisation brainwashing treatment? No: they are offered counselling. Read more
A novel approach is being taken by Denmark towards young jihadists returning home after a stint spent fighting for ISIS and other rebel groups in Syria and Iraq. Are they stopped at the airport and refused entry? Are they thrown in jail? Passports confiscated? Are they forced to undergo some sort of deradicalisation brainwashing treatment? No: they are offered counselling. Read more

Oscar Pistorius' long shadow
I remember August 4, 2012. That was the day when Oscar Pistorius made his debut in the 2012 Olympics, in my home town, alongside so-called “normal” athletes. For many people like me with any kind of physical impairment or disability, he was a massively inspiring figure. Despite being born with no fibula bone in either of his legs and having had both amputated below the knee as a baby, here he was, running like the wind, a true Olympian. Read more
I remember August 4, 2012. That was the day when Oscar Pistorius made his debut in the 2012 Olympics, in my home town, alongside so-called “normal” athletes. For many people like me with any kind of physical impairment or disability, he was a massively inspiring figure. Despite being born with no fibula bone in either of his legs and having had both amputated below the knee as a baby, here he was, running like the wind, a true Olympian. Read more

Animal crackers
The Guardian published a moving extract of Laurel Braitman's book Animal Madness, featuring a homesick gorilla, a heartbroken otter, a bereaved schnauzer, a tiger with a nervous tic, and Braitman's deeply disturbed rescue dog called Oliver. Read more
The Guardian published a moving extract of Laurel Braitman's book Animal Madness, featuring a homesick gorilla, a heartbroken otter, a bereaved schnauzer, a tiger with a nervous tic, and Braitman's deeply disturbed rescue dog called Oliver. Read more

Hard-hitting therapy
News from Russia of a bizarre new form of therapy involving lashing clients with a stick. Paying someone to hit you with a stick might gratify masochistic tendencies but any therapeutic benefits seem extremely dubious. At my school there was a geography teacher who liked to punish students by whacking them with his hockey stick, which he called "my willy" (I swear I'm not making this up). Read more
News from Russia of a bizarre new form of therapy involving lashing clients with a stick. Paying someone to hit you with a stick might gratify masochistic tendencies but any therapeutic benefits seem extremely dubious. At my school there was a geography teacher who liked to punish students by whacking them with his hockey stick, which he called "my willy" (I swear I'm not making this up). Read more

Happy birthday Nietzsche
On this day 170 years ago, the brilliant, contrarian German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was born. He is much more famous now, in death, than he ever was in life. It takes a certain radical, fierce Nietzschean courage to live your life your way—to “come out" as you, without apology, in all your glory. Read more
On this day 170 years ago, the brilliant, contrarian German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was born. He is much more famous now, in death, than he ever was in life. It takes a certain radical, fierce Nietzschean courage to live your life your way—to “come out" as you, without apology, in all your glory. Read more

Hip hop happy
What's the soundtrack to your life? Is it a happy one? Given the complex, at times paradoxical nature of happiness, it's perhaps no surprise that sometimes sad songs--the blues, Miles Davis, Radiohead--can induce wild feelings of euphoria. Read more
What's the soundtrack to your life? Is it a happy one? Given the complex, at times paradoxical nature of happiness, it's perhaps no surprise that sometimes sad songs--the blues, Miles Davis, Radiohead--can induce wild feelings of euphoria. Read more

Today is World Mental Health Day, the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Good. This seems like an auspicious day to launch my blog. Over the coming weeks and months, I'll be commenting on news stories and mental health issues; exploring some of the people and philosophies from psychology's rich history; offering up some thoughts and ideas which I hope might be helpful to those in distress; and writing just a little bit about being a novice counsellor. Read more
Today is World Mental Health Day, the annual global celebration of mental health education, awareness and advocacy. Good. This seems like an auspicious day to launch my blog. Over the coming weeks and months, I'll be commenting on news stories and mental health issues; exploring some of the people and philosophies from psychology's rich history; offering up some thoughts and ideas which I hope might be helpful to those in distress; and writing just a little bit about being a novice counsellor. Read more